Thursday, April 17, 2008

Finals and Homecoming

Well, I have finals starting tomorrow and going on to next Wednesday (though I'll probably be done before then, BYU has a testing center, so some classes don't administer finals in class, they just have them available at the testing center), after which I will be moving back home to Oregon for the Summer. After that I will be going on my mission for 2 years, so unless I hand over the administration of this blog to a trusted associate, it will probably die (for 2 years at least).

This has a few other interesting connotations: the time of the Star Wars campaign will be moved. Cray's player no longer has any plays, so we will probably start playing during the evening on Saturdays instead of at noon. One good thing, though, is that the campaign already has an online player, so when I move back home I won't have to figure out anything special for how to keep my other players (one staying here, one going back to Washington) involved. Now I just need to find an ISP that actually covers my parent's house for a reasonable fee (yeah, yeah, nerd living with parents, blah blah, look, its cheaper than renting a place, and they don't have a basement, so ha).

Well, I should get back to studying. We may play a one-shot adventure sometime this week, so look out for any information on that being posted.

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