The story begins with Cray, Nandeeni, and Kin Dorin traveling on a small cargo ship, approaching the Crimson Elite space station Home-15. After landing in docking bay 13, the newly arrived companions notice a large rancor being lifted up out of the cargo elevator. Temporarily surprised, they are relieved to see that the beast is shackled down and guarded by several Mandalorians. Nandeeni attempted to approach the beast, but was stopped short by Janin, a Mandalorian beast-master who works with the Crimson Elite, buying predators collected from around the galaxy and selling them to any willing to pay his prices. After a brief conversation, he mentions that they have been recruited by the organization, and that if they decide to stay on he would be willing to pay for information on new predators or, even better, for live specimens.
The special datapads given the players on the ship ring as a new message is sent to them-they are wanted in administration. They receive a map of the area, including docking bay 13 and the living area beyond it. They make their way through the living area and step onto the elevator at the end of the hall. Hitting the button for administration, Nandeeni and Cray talk. Cray talks a bit about his jobs flying as a smuggler, while Nandeeni mentions his enthusiasm for combat. They enter the administration lobby and see a secretary wearing Mandalorian armor without the helmet. She is having a hushed but intense conversation on her commlink, and while everyone tries to make out what she's saying, no one quite gets it. They approach and she quickly hangs up, introducing her self as Jarin the secretary. She asks if they wish to join the Crimson Elite, and they all agree. Afterwards, she matter-of-factly gives them their first bounty, a small-time smuggler named Haisha Su Bninst wanted for killing a stormtrooper while resisting arrest. The bounty is a simple 3000 credits, with an additional bonus of 1000 credits being offered for returning a stolen heirloom belonging to the stormtrooper.
Ready to be on their way, they begin to make their way for docking bay 13, where Jarin has told them the cargo ship has lifted off and their ship is in bound. Before leaving, Kin Dorin asks Jarin what her conversation was about. She explains that it was another of the Crimson Elite who refused to pay his finder's fee on his bounty. She also mentioned if they wanted details, they could check the obituaries and gave them they keys to get into the rooms in the living quarters, explaining the station also acted as a safe house.
They went back down to the living quarters and staked their rooms, waiting for their ship to arrive so their adventures could begin.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
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1 comment:
Yeah. I'm the only one who knows what's best. Everyone should listen to me.
-Kin Dorin
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